Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss how continuity and progression can be promoted in physical Essay

Discuss how continuity and progression can be promoted in physical education in the transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 and in teaching and learning acro - Essay Example Continued school developmental work on transition from KS2 to KS3 is improving continuity and progression in physical education between the key stages in a number of areas of activity. Physical education provides a valuable involvement to the whole school curriculum. Students are engaged in developing their knowledge, skills and awareness within a range of physical activities so that they can perform with growing competence and poise. PE provides the chance for students to be innovative, competitive and work cooperatively together, i.e. to know-how to work as a team, in a variety of contextual situations. The diverse learning exposures within physical education tend to encourage spiritual, social, cultural and moral developments with personal growth in terms of self-confidence and self-esteem. The whole PE experience provides cerebral and physical challenges which promote positive approach to learning [3]. Physical education teaches students the importance of exercise and its role to maintaining a consistent healthy lifestyle. It exploits a range of psycho-motoring skills and develops stamina and strength. Students transferring from KS2 to KS3 get to build and maintain physical prowess, as well as to increase their mobility and flexibility. They develop the capacity to express their ideas freely and build upon the ability to be able to produce skilful and creative solutions to problems. PE allows the cultivation of personal qualities of commitment, passion and fairness. It enables the development to appreciate physical concepts of fair play, honest friendly competition and build-up on good character. They build upon the ability to appreciate the artistic qualities of physical movement. PE teaches the students to develop confidence by understanding the capabilities and limitations of oneself and others. Students are further taught to respect and obey logical instructions, regulations a nd able to always put these into

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