Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Copral Punishment to Students - 9866 Words

ST.AUGUSTINE UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION AN ASSESMENT OF TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE PROPOSED REVISION OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN TANZANIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. A CASE STUDY OF NYAMAGANA DISTRICT A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION IN PARTIAL FULFULMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE BACHELOR OF ART WITH EDUCATION AT ST. AUGUSTINE UNIVERSITY OY TANZANIA. BY INNOCENT SULLEY BAED, 25598 APRIL 2012. CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Corporal punishment is conflicting and confusing issue as it is discussed with different views, by individual people, organizations, and conclusion is not reached up to this moment, so it is†¦show more content†¦In South Africa in the 1970s student organizations began to demand the end of Corporal Punishment [Department o f Education, 2000]Corporal Punishment was viewed as abuse in the classroom and by the 1980s â€Å"Education Without Fear† was a slogan developed by learners , educators and parents to campaign against the hitting of the children [Department of Education, 2002]. The use of Corporal Punishment persisted until the change in 1994. In America, a poll conducted by ABC news titled â€Å"Support for spanking† was found that sixty-five of Americans approval for spanking .Although only 26%[percent] say that grade schools teachers should be allowed to spank kids at school [] Also according to Flynn (1884) Southern Rhodesia of the USA have favorable attitudes towards Corporal Punishment and 81%support its use. Pakistan Corporal Punishment exist in school nearly 143 years. For now it is banned although teachers are still taking it in negative way. Several Movements have been made as â€Å"The International Movements to burn Corporal Punishment† and The barn of Corporal Punishment in South African Schools. In Tanzania the issue of Corporal Punishment was allowedShow MoreRelatedLife and Legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte2033 Words   |  8 Pageswould be accompanied by a girl named Giacominetta and held her hand during these strolls. His fellow students noticed his affectionate behavior and formed a rhyme to humiliate him. The classmates said â€Å"Napoleone di mezza calzetta, fa l’amore a Giacominetta.† This juvenile rhyme means â€Å"Napoleon with his socks half way down, makes love to Giacominetta. Subsequently he would run off after the students and fight them, each time his fiery temper would get the best of him. Despite getting in fights Napoleon

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