Friday, August 21, 2020

Paper Example The Omnivores Dilemma

Paper Example The Omnivores Dilemma Paper Example: The Omnivore’s Dilemma The omnivore’s dilemma has come back with retaliation as the abundance of the recent American superstore and fast-food outlet face us with puzzling and treacherous food scenery. What is at risk in our eating preferences is not only for our own wellbeing and our offspring wellbeing, but also for the wellbeing of the surroundings.  The features that initially appeared to be a rationalized process of tackling excess corn and hastening the practice of fattening beef cattle contrary caused pollution, harmful waste, and lethal pathogens. Additionally, these risk the existence of many cows and human beings. The easy biological process gives cows chance to live off grass; this also makes them live absolutely well. Forcing cows to live off corn is going against nature and unhealthy. Human beings may fail to care about a cow’s life when using the excess antibiotics to speed up the fattening process at an inexpensive price. The beef obtained from such cows cause diseases or death because of the antibiotic resistant superbug. The same corn that is used to fatten up the beef cattle, adds saturated fat to the human body. Nearly all antibiotics traded in America at the present end up in animal fodder. If we allow them survive as expected off of grass, their exposure to diseases would be minimal and they would be less capable of passing that on to man hence both man and cow would be healthy.  The technicality in processing corn as cow feed is long and secretive. The end result of producing all the diverse commodities is almost zero waste. The disposable water can still be recycled to make animal fodder. The whole process appears green considering this point of view. Contrary, corn is the major ingredient of margarine, Tang and Cool Whip are all food imitators that can only provide nourishment but they cannot really sustain human.  There has been great effort to fight the excess use of corn by looking for new and potentially hazardous usage of corn. Early in nineteenth century, an abundance of corn was used in excess worldwide. The corn was produced to whiskey for easy transportation, and to last longer . Nowadays, people are capable of creating numerous things than just whiskey. Instead of getting drunk, they eat different foodstuffs. Large numbers of Americans are overweight and a good number is obese. People may wonder the reason behind turning corn into high fructose corn syrup. Craving for sweet foodstuffs exceed people’s concentration on their healthy living. This has enabled the production of over seventeen billion pounds of high fructose corn syrup every year. Plenty of this is consumed as soft drinks. This has resulted in increased calories in people’s body. It is probably appropriate to select a high visibility food chain as the fundamental nature of the industrial diet. Fast food meal as stated in Michael’s hypothesizes have turned out to be kind of a comfort food. This is supported by the fact that, it is easy to get a fast food chain despite the location. Humans have tested and altered foodstuffs for the better, but also for the worse. This is through adding salt, spices, and sugar, of which are harmful to our health, but sweetens the food.

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